We're reader-supported & may earn revenue from some providers listed. Learn more about our mission.

Editorial Guidelines

Integrity, Transparency, & User-Centricity

We empower our readers to navigate the complex world of finances, loans, and credit through accessible and actionable insights developed for everyone.

Our editorial guidelines have been created to ensure that we consistently uphold the highest standards around the three pillars of Integrity, Transparency, and User-centricity.


  • Expert Contributors. The editorial team that contributes to Loanfolk have decades of combined experience in related fields including financial services, financial reporting, and customer insights. Who writes for Loanfolk is as important as what is written.
  • Editorial Autonomy: Content development is driven by objectivity and impartiality. Although Loanfolk may receive compensation from products or services reviewed, that never supersedes or influences our candid perspective or honest analysis.
  • Precise Reporting: Firsthand research, meticulous fact-checking, trusted sources, and peer reviews are the hallmarks of our journalistic integrity. We proudly stand by and can substantiate every word of our content.


  • Straightforward Simplicity: At Loanfolk, our mission is to cut through the clutter and make personal finance straightforward. We strive to be a go-to resource for clear and actionable financial insights that enables our readers to make informed and responsible financial decisions.
  • Open Dialogue: We invite our readers to share their feedback, questions, and perspectives with us anytime at support@loanfolk.com. Loanfolk values the diversity of opinions within our community, fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and supported.
  • Honest Affiliations: We disclose our content affiliations and sponsorships, and only work with brands and companies that we trust and would use ourselves. While we have to make money in order to continue providing top-quality content, we do it in a way that supports our mission of reader empowerment.


  • Empowering Insights: Loanfolkโ€™s mission starts and ends with our readers. We are here to empower with honest and valuable insights about personal finance, and we do it with every article we publish. 
  • Privacy & Security: Stringent privacy policies ensure that any data collected is handled with care and in strict accordance with applicable privacy laws.
  • Compliance Commitment: Our content not only informs, but does so in alignment with state and federal requirements, as appropriate, ensuring accuracy and adherence to industry best practices.

The Bottom Line

We look forward to continually making the world of finances, loans, and credit less opaque and more rewarding for every reader who visits Loanfolk.

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