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Loan Comparison Calculator

Compare Total Loan Cost Side-by-Side

Use our easy-to-use calculator to compare different loan options and estimate the total cost and interest paid over the loan term.

Simply input the loan amount, loan term (in months or years), interest rate, and any one-time fees like finance charges or origination fees.

Loan Calculator

Loan Comparison Calculator

Loan Option 1
Originaton fee or Finance charge as an example.
Loan Option 2
Originaton fee or Finance charge as an example.
Loan Option 1
Loan amount: $500,000
Loan term: 30 years
Interest rate: 3.5%
One-time fees: $1,000
Total loan cost
$500,000 50%
Total interest
$500,000 50%
Loan Option 2
Loan amount: $500,000
Loan term: 30 years
Interest rate: 3.5%
One-time fees: $1,000
Total loan cost
$500,000 50%
Total interest
$500,000 50%
Calculator results are for educational purposes only. Your lender will define actual loan terms, interest, and repayment schedule in any loan offer you accept.

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